Wednesday, September 29, 2010

No Game for the Hall of Shame

My initial reaction to seeing the games in the Hall of Shame is dissapointment. I remember playing all of these games in elementary school and to know that the phys. ed. program that I had in school is a bummer. It makes me wonder how much more i would have been able to develop as an athlete if i had a better physical education in grade school. They were alot of fun from what i remember though. I actually use simon says in some of the swimming lesson classes that i teach over the summer, but in the games we play nobody gets eliminated. It is a good way to get kids to review skills that you need them to learn in a fun kind of way. In an actual PE class taking away the elimination may take away the incentive to listen but you could have the winners get candy or you by them ice cream at lunch or something. anything you could think of that would be reinforcing the good the students are doing rather then the bad. the old typical version of simon says involved things such as touch your nose, touch your ear, raise your hand, all things that have them standing in one spot. If that was replaced with actions that you actually want them to learn as a PE Insructor such as running, hopping, skipping, dancing, or jumping, then this game could turn out to be a valuable tool.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Getting to know the Kids

This was the first day we got to interact with the kids at St. Mary's. I'm on the top of the play ground with Mike and Jennifer tring not to get tagged.

Singing at St.Mary's

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Is there anthing Wrong with Giving Children Long Handled Implements?

A long handled implement would include items such as a baseball bat or lacrosse stick. Children should not be turned away from playing these sports outside of school if that is what they want to play but for the younger children, let's say third grade and under, they should still be learning to master their bodies without any other implement. One of my old lacrosse coaches used to tell my teammates and i that our lacrosse sticks were extensions of ourselves. I think kids should have control of themselves before they learn to control a lacrosse stick or a bat. Also, kids at that age do not always have the best self control. Although not intending to give them a weapon, baseball bats and lacrosse sticks can definately be used as such. All it takes is one temper tantrum. I'd save it for the older children but, a wiffle ball bat could be substituted for the baseball bat.

First Day at St. Mary's

Last week at St. Mary's was actually alot of fun. I was a little worried that it might have been another lame lab and anxious to see if i would enjoy working with the kids in this age group and i was pleasantly surprised. Some of the kids were a little shy, others just went off on there own and did what they wanted to do, but for the most part they all were exited that the college kids were there. There were a few of them who challenged us to the soccer game and this one boy has already developed alot of ball handling skills and footwork. On the playground the kids got us to engage in some games where you really have to use your imagination to play. It made me think of some of the games i would play with my brothers when i was that age. I  hope the next lab turns out to be as enjoyable as this one.

See Lab Write Up

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Building a Foundation

The foundations that physical eduation teachers wish to instill in their students are: to have them beable to perform in a number of physical activites, become a physically fit person who participates regularly in physical activity. Also to have them become knowledgable of the reasons and benefits of being involved in a physical activity and how it can help them maintain a healthy lifestyle. Two key concepts discussed in the reading which will help us do this are to have students learn to move and, learn through the movement. Learning to move involves the motor domain of physical education, which is where the students are actually learning the motions. The learing through the movement occurs in the cognitive and affective domain. The cognitive domain is where they learn to percieve themselves in time and space and where concepts can be learned and used through physical movement. The affective domain is where they develop the way that they think about themselves and where they learn to be social and communicate